Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Stress Relief

Life has been extremely stressful recently. There has been a lot of fighting in my home and I'm to blame for it. I'm really struggling with my depression lately and I've been very apathetic to everything. That isn't going over too well with my family. I understand completely why they are upset, but all I want to do lately is cry. I can't even do that. I just feel empty. My neurologist doubled my Zoloft from 50mg to 100mg a day in hopes that it will help. I really hope it does! I just can't live like this any more.

I do have really great news!  The steroid shots seemed to have finally helped. My muscles are way more relaxed and less painful. It is such a relief! I was really worried that they weren't going to help and I went through all that pain. I am so happy they worked!

I have been doing Tai Chi and yoga again, which always help my stress levels. I have also been meditating. Last night I sat out on the deck staring at the stars while listening to a Harry Potter audio book. It's amazing what a difference the little things can make to a person's outlook. Here's hoping things continue to perk up a bit!

Today has been wonderful too, which has really helped me. Kolton and I had a lovely date. We're going to my friend Crystal's house tonight for a get-together which will be fun. I'm really happy things are going well between Kolton and me. I really love him. I am honestly the luckiest woman alive to have such a caring and supportive man who loves me this much.


  1. Hi, Jen. I follow you on Twitter as @somebodyhealme.

    Are you doing Tai Chi on your own? If so, can you recommend a few good resources?


  2. I'm glad the steroid shots have helped. Keep up the good work...I hope you feel good for a long time!

  3. I'm so glad this post ended on such a happy note. I'm interested in your source of Tai Chi also. I feel I need to start at a beginner or senior citizen level, but can't find anything local. I used to have a DVD BF (Before Fibro) but have since given it away.
