Monday, August 23, 2010

Steroid Shots?

Today has been awful. My pain has skyrocketed lately... I mean, it's been bad recently, but these past few days it's been way worse. I tried getting out of bed this morning and when I put any weight on my legs, it felt as though there were hundreds of knives being put into my legs. This didn't go away for a few hours... If I sit up for too long, it feels like knives are being shot into my lower/middle back. This is awful!

I see my neurologist on Wednesday evening. I am going to talk to him about this... This has never happened to this severity before. During my last two appointments, we have discussed steroid shots for where it is really bad. Does anyone get steroid shots for their fibromyalgia? I am really considering getting the shots on Wednesday...

I have had one steroid shot before, when I was 13. It was our last shot before my first knee surgery. I reacted very badly. Within 30 minutes, my knee was bright red and extremely swollen. We are unsure if this is because of a reaction or because the doctor screwed up. I'm really scared to do this... But I don't see any other options right now...


  1. Hi, Jen! I'm with you, I have the same exact pain in my legs, too. I've described it as "knives being plunged down deep in my bones." My family looks at me like I'm nuts! Then I started Neurontin, and that made a world of difference. It didn't take it completely away, as nothing's perfect, but it did make a drastic improvement. I'm not a fan of those back injections. I had two of them on Feb 16th and my feet have HUGE since then. I don't know if the shots did that or just one of those things. I've been tested for heart and kidney problems and so far, so good. Whatever you chose, we all stand beside you, ready to help in anyway we can.
    God bless ya, Jen!

  2. I hope you feel better soon!!!!! Let's hope the doctor can help you with this pain!!

  3. My goodness, that sounds awful! I am reading a lot lately about people with Fibromyalgia feeling worse than usual lately. Nobody seems to know if it's allergen-related (hay fever season is here) or weather changes or something else, but we all seem to be dealing harshly. I'm noticing a tingly feeling in my legs that comes and goes, and my legs and back are giving me more trouble with use, these days (standing/walking and sitting aggravate them).

    I hope your doing better and things improve soon.
