Thursday, September 16, 2010


I am no longer a student of my beloved college... I am going to be doing online courses at the local junior college this year while trying to find a job that I am physically able to do. I am not handling any of this very well... I really miss my college... All of my friends there have returned and they started classes on Monday. I hear about the school and everything and it just breaks my heart not to be there. I probably was meant to not return this year, but still... My health has been terrible, my family can't afford it, and mom has been very, very sick. She is in a world of hurt... I wish I could make her better... I have been trying to clean and help around the house to make things easier on her, but due to stress, I have been rather sick too.

Lately I have been getting free massage therapy from one of my friends who is a masseuse. I cannot explain how much this has been helping. It is kind of awkward for me because I have known him for 16 or 17 years now, but he cracks jokes and whatnot and makes me feel better.

Today I gardened a lot. We have a veggie garden in our backyard that hasn't been tended in a while. So I went in the garage, got the gardening supplies, and went at all the weeds. The garden looks WAY better and I am extremely pleased. I harvested a ton of carrots, some of which are huge! I also found some string beans that are still good. I exhausted myself going through some of my college boxes too. I finally found my camera's battery charger!

After gardening, I ended up laying down and passing out for over four hours. I woke up feeling miserable. I now have a fever and can't breathe properly... I keep coughing and I have nausea, but luckily nothing has come from that yet.

Hopefully I'll be blogging more since I am at home. I can't register for spring term at the junior college until the end of October, so I better find a job soon!


  1. That you have been able to endure the chronic ache with the fibromyalgia, because really controlling her is difficult, in my alone case I take vicodin to control the chronic ache, because the doctor me prescribed this medicament but I will follow some of your advices besides seems good to me.

    Lilly Abbott

  2. good luck with your new classes online. I hope you find a good job soon! I hope you both feel better soon!
