Monday, June 15, 2009

Hi everyone. I'm sorry my posts have been sporadic, this vertigo is getting to me. Today I had an appointment with a doctor my parents see about the vertigo. He isn't sure what is going on. I felt like I was rushed out of the office, which didn't make me happy. He's a good doctor, but I'm hesitant to make him my primary. He gave me a prescription for something that starts with an 'a' but I'm not sure what it is yet. He said it might help the dizziness.

When the vertigo gets bad, my ears ring and I get this weird tingling sensation on my tongue, behind my eyes, and at the back of my head. It's really weird. I told the doctor about it and he sounded puzzled. Has anyone dealt with vertigo like this before? What type of doctor did you see? What did you do to make it better, or at least more manageable?

Today I called the Fibromyalgia Centers of America to see if my insurance would cover a visit, on a long shot. It turns out it does! I have an appointment with them on Wednesday. The doctor is a chiropractor, which I'm slightly wary about. I figured it wouldn't hurt to at least hear what this doctor has to say.

Does anyone else live in the Chicago-area that sees specialists for fibro? I've been trying to find a new doctor without success. Any suggestions would be very much appreciated!

I hope everyone has a great night! I'll update you guys on what else has been going on tomorrow.


  1. I tweeted to you about my doc but you may have missed it. He's an Otoneurologist and he specializes in vertigo. Hopefully you can find one close to home - just run an online search :)

  2. That kind of vertigo is definitely not normal and should be investigated. So many docs want to chalk up all symptoms to FMS, whether it's appropriate or not. Even if it was a common FMS symptom, it should be investigated in case it isn't.

    Finding a good doc is so hard when you have FMS. My suggestion is to send a letter to all the docs on your insurance who are taking new patients outlining your health history and what you're looking for in a doc. Then schedule an appointment with the positive responses until you find one you like.

  3. I'm in the Chicago area. My former doctor was with FTCOA, but he went out of business. He was the one who was hell-bent on the yeast overgrowth hypothesis and had me do the yeast-free diet for three months.

    At any rate, I'm currently seeing a great neurologist in Schaumburg - Dr. Wilkin. Here's the info, if you are interested. He's a great listener and I would recommend him.
