Saturday, June 13, 2009

Doctor Appointment and Disappointment

Today I had my pre-op physical with my primary doctor, who I have seen for over 18 years now. I called in the morning to confirm the appointment time and I was told that I didn't have an appointment, but I had an appointment last Friday, which I supposedly missed. This was impossible! I had class last Friday and I wasn't in my home town, there is no way I would have scheduled an appointment for then. After fighting with the nurse, they fit me in at 1:30. (I went back and checked my phone logs -- I call all my doctors at once for appointments and I called on the 9th to schedule this appointment. How could I have made the appointment on the 9th for the 5th?) Kolton came over, picked me up, and off we went to the doctor's. We got there and after a lot of waiting, got in to a room. The nurse was very standoffish and rude, I felt as though she really didn't care at all. After the physical, I told my doctor what has been going on with the vertigo and fainting... He completely blew me off, even though this has never happened before. I was told to drink some Gatorade and call him next week if it is still there. Ridiculous. I really don't think I'm returning to that office again, which really makes me sad...

After the appointment, Kolton and I went to a park that used to be a fairground in the 1900's. I love going out there, it's so interesting! I got bit by a bunch of fire ants though. We got back to my house and then gardened for my mom. I mowed part of the front lawn! That was the first time I've mowed in over five years! I also made dinner (grilled chicken, potatoes, and corn!), which wiped me out. I way over did it today... It was kind of nice though, I felt almost normal. I'm paying for it now though. I'm so sore and now I can't sleep because of the pain. I'm so sick of taking the painkillers... I'd rather tough it out tonight.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, the doctor just told you got have some Gatorade? I've had vertigo and dizziness, but I've never fainted before. If I'd fainted three times in one day, I would expect to have at least that tilt-table test done or something.

    Please feel better soon.
