Thursday, May 14, 2009

I just have to get through the rest of the term.

There are only 28 days left until I get out of school for the summer. Right now I'm in a 3 and a half hour class. I'm so tired... My significant other surprised me this morning and took me for ice cream. We flew a kite after that. He makes me so happy. ☺

Today has gone somewhat better than yesterday did. They turned on my air conditioning last night, so I woke up able to breathe for once. My pain levels are no where near as high as they were yesterday. Usually the most extreme pain is in the morning and it fades as the day goes on, but today it was opposite that. I woke up feeling okay, and now I feel horrible. I had rehearsal at four and class from 6:30 until 10:00pm. After rehearsal, my friend asked how I feel. "I feel as though a bus hit me, ran over me, backed up over me, and ran over me again... Then a bulldozer came and scooped me off the ground, but then a garbage truck scooped me up, threw me into the trash, brought me to the waste management area, and I was then incinerated with the trash." I really just want to throw a tantrum, crying and sobbing, until I feel better again.

Tomorrow I only have one class... Both music theory and choir rehearsal were canceled, thankfully. I don't have to wake up until noon if I choose to. After that, Kolton is supposed to come by. ☺ I'm excited. I love spending time with him. We took a nap earlier and it was the best I've slept in a few weeks now.

I'm sorry if I'm scatterbrained right now. I'm currently on Darvocet and Flexeril, Darvocet for the pain and Flexeril is a muscle relaxant. Darvocet is much nicer to me than the Norco is , thankfully. As soon as this class is over, I'm going back to my dorm and passing out I think... I might watch TV or read a magazine, but I am just exhausted. Taking a shower exhausted me earlier... I don't even remember laying down, and yet I took a short nap after my shower. Someone was in the handicapped shower and I didn't want to wait, so I took my shower in the normal one. Stupid communal showers.

I suppose I'll wrap this up for now, I imagine I've rambled enough.

*Gentle hugs!*

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