Wednesday, May 13, 2009


So I have created a blog for my fibro, finally. I'm tired of editing myself and not saying how I'm really feeling on my other blogs, so this will be where I can speak freely about how my fibromyalgia has affected my life. I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia when I was either 15 or 16, I can't remember any more. It is all a blur.

My health problems began when I was 12. I grew six inches in a year and my kneecap was rubbing against a bone, creating friction and pain. I sprained my knee continuously and eventually needed surgery. When I was a freshman in high school, my knee had an arthroscopic surgery. After I fully recovered, I was wonderful for about six months. I was able to run, play games, and live again. However, six months after that, the pain suddenly returned. My orthopedic continuously sent me back to physical therapy, which only made things worse. That went on for about a year. During my junior year of high school, I suddenly was unable to walk because of extreme pain. I ended up finishing junior year in a wheelchair and was diagnosed with fibromyalgia.

Since then, I was able to graduate high school and continue my education at a wonderful liberal arts college in the Chicago suburbs. I am an elementary education major with a music minor. I have worked extremely hard to stay in school, despite my health problems.

For the past month or so, my fibromyalgia has been flaring very badly. My wisdom teeth began to come in and have really made it horrible. My significant other, Kolton, has made it a lot easier. He supports me very much and does his best to make it better for me. My family is also a huge help. I don't know what I'd do without them.


  1. Hi Jen, good for you in putting up your blog. It's really cathartic to get it out, don't you think? It's hard to say if your knee problem was the beginning of your getting Fibro, but it possibly was. Some of us are just more sensitive to things that other people have happen and move on. That doesn't mean anything is deficient about you... we're just different. And there are millions of us, some say about 10 myn in the US alone. I haven't heard a worldwide figure. Well, keep putting one foot in front of the other. If I can help you long-distance, I'm in Virginia & I'd sure try. Be well, Cinda (If you get a chance, visit my blog at :-)) I'd love you to comment!

  2. I love this: "I'm tired of editing myself and not saying how I'm really feeling on my other blogs, so this will be where I can speak freely about how my fibromyalgia has affected my life."

    I have felt the same way and also created a blog. Not sure who will be reading it or how focused it will be, but it's more for me. I look forward to catching up on your posts.
