Friday, September 30, 2011

What a long week!

It's been a long few months. I have several drafts on here from months ago that I never finished. I really need to finish a post I'm working on about my favorite pain creams.

Last Wednesday my grandfather fell while getting out of bed and hurt himself. He didn't hit his head, but he kept saying that he felt off. We ended up having to call an ambulance to transport him to the hospital to get him checked out. He was admitted as a precaution (he is 95!). All of the doctors were amazed that my grandpa doesn't take any medications other than baby aspirin and a supplement. He stayed at the hospital for a few days and then was transferred to a rehabilitation nursing home. He looks SO much better! After he fell, he kept saying that he felt as though all the life was drained out of him... He was so very pale. But now he has his color back and looks healthier than he has in a very long time. The doctors at the hospital confirmed he has Parkinson's Disease... But we've suspected that for a long time. While he was at the hospital, they started him on a medication for the Parkinson's and the shaking in his hands is almost completely gone! The medication isn't going to slow the progression of the disease, but it will help the symptoms. He looks healthier than I've seen him in a very long time.

These past few weeks I have been very stressed, which has caused a flareup of both my fibromyalgia and lupus. The lupus has been the worst though! My joints are killing me -- especially my ankles and wrists. Other joints hurt a lot too, but not like my ankles. It's awful. My legs have been swelling up like crazy because of it. I found my Nike sandals (with the bumpy, massage-y type sole) which helps a lot. My feet have been swelling to the point where some days I have problems wearing my gym shoes.

Anyway, hopefully I'll post my pain cream post later tonight or tomorrow, depending on how bad my wrists hurt.

I hope everyone is doing well!

Spoonie Love,

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