Wednesday, March 16, 2011

I keep meaning to write, but life has just completely overwhelmed me... This past month and a half has been sheer hell. I was in a 2 week bed-bound flare, then mom was admitted to the hospital for a week, and now my Great Aunt Helen has died. I didn't know her very well, but I only have pleasant memories about her. She was always very sweet. She would send us cards with the most beautiful handwriting, updating us on what has been happening... She died the other night. The funeral is on Thursday morning. I am honestly really nervous... My pain spikes whenever I am stressed, and I know tomorrow will be -major- stress...

My 2 week bed-bound flare was horrid. My mom was also sick, and I felt so guilty being unable to really help around the house or cook. I became really behind on my schoolwork, especially after mom's hospitalization. Mom was hospitalized due to some chemo complications... There was swelling near/in(?) her lungs, which made it hard for her to breathe. She is thankfully fine. It was a really hard week, the week she was in the hospital. I am terrified that something is going to happen and I would have to say goodbye... I don't know if I could handle that... It was hard enough seeing her so weak... I am crying just thinking about it. I love my mom so much, even though we do have our rough patches, and I just want her to heal and become better. She deserves so much, I wish she wasn't so sick... It's really hard on everyone, but I cannot imagine how hard it must be on her. I keep her in my thoughts and prayers all the time, and do my best to help her with whatever she needs, but I wish I could do more...

I have to keep taking breaks while typing because my hands are aching so much. The weather forecast is saying rain tomorrow, which explains how achy I am. On doctor visit days, I always seem to get migraines, tremors, and just overall worsened pain. It's very difficult for me to talk about how sick I have been, especially in front of my dad. I try and keep everything inside, not really telling my parents how hard it is to live like this... I don't tell anyone. I talk somewhat about it on Twitter and here, but that is the most I do. I try and journal, but I only become frustrated with myself. Even blogging becomes difficult, mostly because I look at what I am writing and become angry with myself. I notice how much I focus on myself, how many times I use the word 'I.' The doctor visits are the only time I talk about how hard it is and what is going on with my body. My dad already has enough on his plate, he doesn't need this stuff too... I think the anxiety from having to have my dad hear all of it is what sets me off the most. I loathe having my family see me like this. I want to be healthy and normal...

In better news, the methotrexate may have started working! I am really excited about this. The other day I had so much more energy and the pain wasn't as bad. Even now, it's not as bad as it could be (or usually would be). I'm doing my best to not place too much hope in it, but I can't help myself! The fact that the medicine may be starting to work has me extremely nervous though... What does it mean? Do I have an autoimmune disorder, did the tests give me false-negatives? What other treatments are in store? What autoimmune disorder do I have, if I have one? It's all so scary...

1 comment:

  1. Hang in there, Jen. Remember, you always have your fibrofriends to share and discuss your true feelings. It's okay to feel however you feel and it's important to not deny your feelings. I know it's difficult to be sick when so much else is going on in your family, but you do still need to take care of yourself. Keep blogging and don't hold back.
