Friday, May 14, 2010

Choir Tour: Day Three

I am exhausted, both physically and emotionally. There are around 45 people on tour and I'm having a really hard time being around so many people at once. Don't get me wrong -- I am truly enjoying choir tour. I just need a break. Right now I am sitting outside of a church near Madison, WI just trying to find peace. I have been a loner ever since I hit 14 and started having the problems with the pain. This got worse after I was diagnosed. I really want to have more friends and to have fun with them, it's just very hard for me. I just need some detox time and then I will be okay. I think my exhaustion is probably from being on the bus with so many people for quite a while today. The seats are small and it is very crowded.

We have one more concert this evening, and then we are going to our homestays. I cannot wait. I am just exhausted... I want to go to sleep so badly. I honestly might take a short nap before our concert, depending on how long dinner takes. Chances are I won't get my nap. We had two concerts this morning at a high school and then a middle school. Some members of our choir are alumnis from those schools. Actually, at everywhere we have performed there has been a choir member who attends church there or went to school there. Every place so far has been very nice.

My homestay is very nice tonight. She let me take a lovely hot bath with gardenia bubble bath. I feel gloriously relaxed. I really needed that. I'm so tired... I'm having a really hard time being around so many people all at once. It's nice to have some alone time.

Anyway, I'm going to go to bed, so goodnight darlings!


  1. I hope you enjoy the rest of the tour! I loved Choir tours when I was in college.

  2. Hi Heather,

    Thank you! I really did enjoy it. It was hectic and stressful, but worth every single second. I really hope I can go on choir tour next year too!

    I hope all is well!
