Saturday, May 15, 2010

Choir Tour: Day Four

Today has been nice. I got to sleep in until 9 and then we had breakfast at the church that we performed at last night. We then drove to downtown Madison, WI and had two and a half free hours there. It was tons of fun. I walked to the capital building and looked around. It is beautiful! Then I walked through the farmer's market and bought some pastries (they were buy one get one free!). I ended up going into some shops in the downtown area and I bought a skirt for $8 and a little statue of Ganesha, the god of overcoming obstacles. I have been looking for a statue for a while and it was only $12. It is really beautiful.

Right now I am in Milwaukee for three hours of free time, and then we are going to a church to meet up with our homestay families. I am exhausted... I can't wait to get home tomorrow and sleep in my own bed. I'm really enjoying tour and I have made new friends, but I'm just very tired.

The bus has not been very kind to my back. I have been sitting with a pillow behind the small of my back, which is helping somewhat. I really need to lay down though. I think I am going to go find some dinner and walk around. I hope everyone is doing well! I can't wait to catch up on everything.


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