Saturday, October 23, 2010

Stress and Depression Aren't a Good Mix...

I'm so sorry I have just kind of dropped off of the earth recently... Life has been difficult... Not as difficult as it could be, but I have been struggling a lot. The previous anti-depressant I was on, Zoloft, backfired on me and my depression increased at least doublefold. My doctor took me off of it and started me on Pristiq about 3 1/2 weeks ago. Four days ago I broke out into a rash. It is on my arms, legs, and now my face. It is so itchy! My depression hasn't really gotten any better... All I want to do is lay in bed. I have no interest in anything else. I have been going on cleaning sprees and forcing myself to go out just so I can try to get myself happier... It is a momentary distraction. It is getting harder and harder to get myself to leave my bed. I don't even have the energy to cry much. I just don't want to do this any more. I just want to be done... I see my doctor next week and I pray that he can fix this. I know I should call and tell him about the rash, but I know they'll tell me to stop the medicine... But what if it starts working that day or the next...?

1 comment:

  1. Jen, Wow you do have lot's of pain. I understand pain but it seems you have a lot. I have Lupus and have very little pain compared to you. Just remember, there is someone somewhere that is in more pain then you or in a worse situation then you so don't give up on yourself. There are people with no legs or arms who think life sucks...but they keep going.

    So think about all the good things you have and have done and are going to do!

    Keep up the Blogging! Make your blog the best blog out there!

    Bye for now...Michael
