Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Mom's Surgery

Mom's chemo pills haven't been working, so the doctor has decided that she needs to go back onto IV chemo. Right now she is getting her port put back in. She got her first port removed about nine months ago because of a blood clot. She starts back on chemo on Thursday. I am freaking out... I just don't know what to feel. I'm so scared my mom is going to die. I know that she is doing better, but it still terrifies me.

I've been crying a lot lately. Stress is just overwhelming me. My eye twitch came back this morning... My rash is getting worse. Pain levels have skyrocketed due to weather and stress. Ugh...

Please keep my mom and my family in your thoughts/prayers...


  1. I do hope this works for her! It is hard when Mom is sick, I know. I took care of my mom for 5 years and she had Alzheimer's. I just recently (like last monday) lost her. My heart just aches for you! keep the faith and try to hold on.
