Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Thank goodness for DVR.

Probably a short blog today. My hands are really bothering me. I can't sleep, so I'm catching up with my DVR, mostly because it is running out of space. I could barely move today. My pain levels are extremely high. I didn't take any pain medications for 24 hours though! I am very pleased with this. I really need to detox, I feel so mindless lately because of the medications. Usually I try to have at least one day a week where I don't take any pain medications. It helps my body with tolerances and buildups. I try to not take the medications at all, but that just has not been feasible lately.

Tomorrow I am going to call the biofeedback clinic to schedule a brain scan. I see my neurologist in the next two weeks and I am going to ask for a script for physical therapy with hydrotherapy. I'm so tired of living like this...

Monday, June 14, 2010

Sleepless Nights...

I have barely been sleeping recently. The weather is really messing with me and the pain has been so bad. My medications just aren't helping like they should be. My medications are making me itchy and hot, and honestly just ill-tempered. The pain is mostly in my back/neck tonight. My neck and upper back is so knotted up it is ridiculous. It's only making the pain worse, which in turn makes the knots worse. It's a lose-lose situation. I can't get the knots to go away in the slightest. I want to sleep, but I just can't. I'm not tired enough. I'm fatigued, but not tired. It's driving me crazy. I really need to start a new muscle relaxant. I've been on 350mg of Soma for way too long and it just isn't working now. I like Soma because it doesn't knock me out, like most muscle relaxants, but I just can't take this.

In better news, Kolton and I are celebrating our year and a half anniversary on Friday. Tomorrow we are supposed to be going to the Shedd Aquarium in Chicago, which I am super excited about. It's a free week, so we are taking the train up to Chicago and then taking a bus to the museum. I'm really hoping that we can get to go to the Buckingham Fountain. I've only been there once. Some more exciting news is that a friend that I have had for 16 years and I have been talking tonight. I've missed her a lot. I forgot how nice it is to talk to her. We've always gotten along really well and we understand each other very well. :)

Saturday, June 5, 2010

"The Body Broken: A Memoir"

Yesterday I read the book "The Body Broken: A Memoir" by Lynne Greenberg. I found this book at the library while looking for books on fibromyalgia. I honestly think that I was meant to pick up this book. It was on accident, but I honestly think it may have been more than that.

This book was incredible. Lynne Greenberg suffers from chronic pain due to a neck problem and she chronicles her life in her memoir. This book spoke to me greatly. It shows how much chronic pain can truly affect someone's life and how hard it can be for others to understand also.

I wish I wasn't so tired. If I had more energy I would write more on this book. I very, very highly recommend it for all sufferers from chronic pain and their loved ones.