Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Surgery went well. My surgeon said that it went much better than he expected. He didn't have to tighten the bands or anything, he only had to loosen this band a tiny bit. My fibromyalgia is really mad about the surgery though. My whole body is in so much pain. When I came to, I was almost screaming in pain. They had to keep giving me pain medicine. I got really upset while there though. After the nurse took my blood pressure with an automatic blood pressure cuff (those really hurt me -- they had no manual ones!), she then inserted my IV at the same place. I was crying a lot because the needle just hurt so much. The nurse then told me that "you have a long life ahead of you and you better get your emotions and pain under control, especially if you want to have children." ... I was furious. How dare she? She knew that I have fibro too!

After the surgery was okay. Kolton stayed at the house for quite a while and helped me and kept me company. I'm not feeling well at all... I'm so drained... I can take my sleep medicine tonight in just under an hour, thank god.

Physical therapy begins tomorrow at 11:30. Yay?


  1. Ya, the nurse was insensitive. I always ask for a Lab technician. They numb the arm which stings too but only for a minute.
    You should also call them and ask them to let you recover more with fibro. You will just run into a brick wall and not recover.

    Take care ((hugs))

  2. I'm glad that the surgery went well, but sorry that you're in so much pain. I really hope you get to feeling better.

    Hugs and fishes,
    Aloha Joe

  3. Hello--just found your blog~~so you have pain from the blood pressure cuff also? Last time I went to Dr. it really hurt and continued to hurt for a week. Ugh. I've had fibro since 1998 & this was first time it hurt so hope this is not a progressive illness--I've read both: yes, it can get worse, and no, once you "plateau" that's it. So much conflicting info on the Net...but one thing is constant: pain and fatigue. Oh, and insomnia...it's after 5:00am and no sleep, as usual. Hope you feel better.

  4. Hi, was curious about what surgery you had done? Was it to help with the fibro? I am so sorry that the nurse was judgemental. As a nurse, and someone with fibro, I am ashamed that I have a lot of the same stereotypes about the illness. I am not sure where we pick them up as we go through our training, but they are there. It is sad and angering.
    I am glad your surgery went well and that you are getting somewhere in your treatment. The Fibro Center sounds like it is a great place.
    I struggle with a lot of the same negative thoughts that you do. Especially the one about feeling guilty for needing so much from my spouse. Are there any support groups in your area?

